Version 1.2.0


- Good news, birthday kids! We've enlisted the help of our trusty new recruits: turrets!

- But just when you thought you had the upper hand, wave 10 throws a curveball: introducing our latest boss enemy!

- Added a new game icon for the game.


- Say goodbye to awkward moments of panic reloading! We've installed the latest in firearm fashion: auto reload! Now you can focus on the action without worrying about fumbling with your ammo like a nervous squirrel hoarding nuts.

- Attention birthday kids! We've implemented a 'no hungry enemies left behind' policy. To access the next wave, you'll need to ensure you've tidied up the town from all the hungry invaders. Plus, we've added a cooldown between waves to give you time to catch your breath and plan your next move!

- Guess what? We've given the heavens a makeover! Our skybox has undergone a transformation worthy of a celestial fashion show.

- Attention, architects of awesomeness! We've unleashed our inner design divas and given our fences a fabulous redesign!


- Fixed some performance issues

- Reduced the likelihood of our beloved elephant enemy mistaking the floor for quicksand.


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70 days ago

Get Battle of Birthday Town

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